You can find a variety of tools and reports in our library of resources, with data on the general picture of health and wellbeing across the county at different geographical levels, as well as more in-depth reports on some specific topics.
Our Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) reports, which cover a variety of health and social care topics, also contain key statistics. These can be found on the Hertfordshire JSNA website.
The quickest way to find data about the basic makeup of Hertfordshire’s population is to visit the Herts Insight website, which is run by the Community Intelligence team within Hertfordshire County Council's Resources department. This includes data from the latest national Census, current population estimates and future population projections. You can also find data on deprivation, the local economy, crime and housing there.
Remember that statistics included in static documents may not be the most up to date, as new data may have been released after the publication date. As it takes time for data to be collected, processed, released and analysed, it’s not always easy to tell whether you’re seeing the most current data simply from looking at the time period it covers. It’s not unusual for the latest available data on a particular topic to be covering a period from a couple of year ago. The frequency with which new data becomes available varies considerably depending on the topic and the source.
For a lot of health and wellbeing indicators, you can find the latest available data on the Fingertips website, which hosts a suite of interactive data dashboards covering a broad range of themes. The site is run by the Office for Health Improvement & Disparities (OHID). The most comprehensive dashboard on the site is the Public Health Outcomes Framework – this is a great place to start if you want to explore data on health and wellbeing in Hertfordshire (and other areas of the country) yourself. Using the various tabs and menus on the dashboard, you can choose to look at figures for the county as a whole or individual districts and boroughs and compare figures across areas.
If you’re still having trouble finding what you need, or if you have a question about the data you’ve found, you can send a query to our team.